Caution! Children at Play

Our dark thrillers have been reduced to highly stylized snuff and torture affairs, trying to give audiences cinematic pleasure exclusively through the casual presentation of the suffering of others. I’m not terribly surprised, and I’m less troubled by Saw itself than the fact that it didn’t bother me.

The Prettiest Actors

The 10 greatest actors of “our” generation? (Whatever “our” means.) According to GQ, those great arbiters of cinema, it’s these boys: Nicolas Cage, Jim Carrey, Don Cheadle, Russell Crowe, Benicio Del Toro, Johnny Depp, Leonardo, DiCaprio, Gael Garcia Bernal, Clive Owen, and John C. Reilly. It’s a very pretty list, Cage and Reilly excepted. (Via Salon.)

Tagged: Acting, GQ

Boilerplate Biopic

There’s nothing wrong with Ray that a little less hype couldn’t fix. As biopics go, it’s pretty good. Jamie Foxx is convincing as the iconic Ray Charles. Writer James L. White and writer/director Taylor Hackford employ a clumsily expository flashback structure that actually pays off beautifully at the end with a startling and unexpected moment of transcendence and vision. Two and a half hours clip by briskly. And there’s plenty of Charles’ music.

Reincarnation’s Provocative Practicalities

Birth is the perfect antidote for anybody who thinks reincarnation is a romantic notion, allowing for a reunion with the spirit of a loved one who has died. By mining the practicalities of the situation, the movie becomes a rare work that humanizes and seeks to understand the effects of reincarnation instead of merely employing it for cheap horror or cheesy romance.