This site (founded in July 2003) is where I write (and sometimes talk) about popular (and not-so-popular) culture, particularly movies, in a way that’s meaningful and satisfying to me. If you find it enjoyable or enlightening, all the better. My hope is that what’s written here will prompt readers to look at the media products they consume – words, images, sounds, and various combinations of those – in new ways.
That’s a carefully worded way of saying that I don’t consider Culture Snob to be a repository of standard reviews. Yes, many of the entries will look, smell, and taste like reviews, but I hope they offer more than that. Criticism is, before anything else, a personal reaction to a work, and good critical writing will reveal as much about the author as it does about the works discussed. I try to focus on aspects of a work that interest me and haven’t been addressed by other writers.
Content in Culture Snob primarily falls under the category of movies (including television), with music a distant second. There are also occasional forays into books and sports, and everything else gets lumped into miscellany.
Most pieces here are critical essays, but there are also interviews and commentary tracks.
Occasionally I’m proud of what I write. Feel free to browse what I consider the best of Culture Snob.
I reserve rights to my writing on this site under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.
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About Jeff Ignatius
I am a somewhat-retired journalist who has, at various points in my career, been published as a movie, music, and book critic (in descending order of aptitude).
I’m hip-deep in a book-length analysis of Paul Thomas Anderson’s Magnolia.
I was born in 1971 and married in 2001, with a human child arriving in 2008. We call the Quad Cities of Illinois and Iowa home.